The liver is essential to the proper functioning of the body. It acts to purify the blood of accumulated toxins, produces the digestive substances and stores the vitamins and minerals to be redistributed through the body.
Yet, without knowing it, you are daily exposed to many toxins that can damage your liver.
My Liver Exam offers you a list of foods that can help your liver transform toxins into less harmful substances. Not only can these foods make you feel better, they may also help the liver perform its functions and also, help to regenerate its cells easily.
Avocados, tomatoes and spinach
The avocado is rich in glutathione. This substance is present throughout the body, and its function is to protect cells against oxidation, and to detoxify our body from heavy metals. (1). Like tomatoes and spinach for example, it stimulates the production of liver and digestive enzymes as well as liver activity.
Beets and carrots
Beets and carrots are also rich in glutathione. Eating these two foods rich in flavonoids and beta-carotene helps the liver to regenerate and perform its purification role.
Thanks to their diuretic function, they help the cleansing process by activating the functions of the liver and kidneys that eliminate the toxins.
Green leafy vegetables
Green vegetables are extremely rich in chlorophyll. This assimilative pigment is capable of absorbing toxins from the environment and purifying blood from heavy metals.
Cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, cress, turnips, radishes
Eating broccoli and cauliflower increases the production of glucosinolate enzymes in the body, helping to eliminate carcinogens and other toxins.
Apples, rich in pectin, facilitate the process of cleansing the liver. Apple juice (organic) is also recommended for liver detoxification. (2)
Plants and infusions
In this family, we can first find the dandelion root herbs that help the liver to break down the fat, to produce amino acids by ridding it of the toxins.
Green tea is also a supply of antioxidants such as catechins, an important compound for liver function. (3) Indeed, its molecules are powerful antioxidants that help prevent certain inflammatory diseases. (4)
Finally, the rosemary infusion allows it to stimulate the production of bile which helps in digestion and limits liver problems.
Recipe idea: Infuse 2 g of rosemary in 15 cl of boiling water for 10 minutes and consume 1 to 2 cups per day. (5)
Citrus fruits are another source of glutathione rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. They stimulate the production of liver and bile detoxification enzymes and improve the process of cleansing the liver. The family includes grapefruit and lemon. A citrus cure is recommended to help with digestion, decomposition of fat and activate the diuretic function. (6)
Curcuma and other spices
Curcuma is a root from India that has many curative properties. It participates in the detoxification of the liver by stimulating the production of bile and releasing the liver ducts. It also acts on the detection of allergies present in certain foods that we consume.
Our infusion advice: put two teaspoons of turmeric root in a bowl, boil for 3 minutes then infuse 10 minutes. It is recommended that you consume 2 to 3 bowls to enjoy its benefits. (7)
Among other spices and plants, garlic plays a protective role in the detoxification of the liver. It is composed of sulfur which activates the liver enzymes contributing to the elimination of toxins in the body. Garlic has high amounts of natural ingredients like allicin and selenium that help cleanse the liver.
Nuts are a good source of glutathione, omega-3 fatty acids that help the liver evacuate ammonia, the substance responsible for certain diseases. They also promote blood oxygenation.
A diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, citrus fruits and spices will help to detoxify your liver. Before starting a natural detoxification of the liver, ask a nutritionist for advice. Indeed, the recommended consumption of certain foods may vary according to the individual: body size, age, size … Sometimes it can even be discouraged, hence the importance of asking the opinion of a specialist.
Pictures ©Shutterstock et ©Pexels
Prevention > varied and balance diet with liver-friendly foods
References :
- (1)
- (2)
- (3)
- (4)
- (5)
- (6)
- (7)
Very useful articles , this is the perfect list of foods which supports healthy liver and thanks for sharing this. I will follow this diet.
My husband used to be really sluggish, irritable and tired all the time. His doctor told him he had fat in his liver, which he hadn’t even heard of before. I started looking into ways to help him and found this natural solution ( ) He stuck to it religiously and have lost 17 lbs already. He now feels like a different person!
Good evening Madam/Sir,
I’m consuming turmeric power daily in the morning Half teaspoon in a glass of lukewarm milk.
Your article says 2 TS in a bowl, boil for 3 minutes, costume 2 – 3 bowel.
Would like to keep to know the following :-
a. Is it water or milk
b. What is the Quality ( 300 ml or 500 ml)?
c. Consume this in
Milk or water is good
I thought that daily use of tumeric could be harmful?
Good evening,
This is a very helpful article,
I’m consuming turmeric power daily in the morning Half teaspoon in a glass of lukewarm milk.
Your article says 2 ts in a bowl, boil for 3 minutes, costume 2 – 3 bowel.
Would like to keep to know the following :-
a. Is it water or milk
b. What is the Quality ( 300 ml or 500 ml)?
c. Do I have to consume theses 2-3 bowels every day?
Thank you
What about foods and infusions for help to leviate (neuropathy) severe pain and numbness of the extremities. Why don’t I sweat? Help with gum inflammation, and psoriasis, especially on the face. And finally restlessness and sleeplessness. I apologise for the lengthiness of my concerns. I appreciate your feedback.
You might want to have your vitamin D level checked with a blood test. My # was 13 and had panic attacks, poor sleep, gum problems, anxiety, skin problems. I discovered that the number should be around 50-70. The Dr put me on one pill of 50,000 units of vitamin D3 once a week for 12 weeks and I felt so much better within weeks. Today I still take 10,000 daily because I get very little sunshine and usually use sunscreen.
How about coconut water.
Hi mam I need to know how many day I need to drink this turmeric… And I have one question what are the best way to quit smoking
Oddly enough, stop inhaling, worked for me.
I smoked cigarettes for 28 years since I was 15, four and a half pack per day, on a good day. I didn’t have the habit, it had me.
I tried to cut down, chewed, cigars, pipe, snuff and it just made me smoke more, cigarettes that is.
Finally a friend told me, “Any dummy can light up and puff, but you had to TEACH your body to inhale. Trick your mind and don’t quit smoking. Don’t let yourself inhale. Smoke all you want”.
After two months my throat was so sore I thought I was in serious trouble. The smell and taste was like licking the bottom of the most filthy ashtray possible. The only habit I still had was reaching for another cigarette and the gage response became automatic.
It wasn’t only easy to quit at that time, it was necessary!
This method was far cheaper than any commercial remedy. Most importantly, It was How It Works For Me!
I dont inhale. I’m not bothered by smoking.
Very helpful info. Thanks for sharing the foods and how they .help.ive been eating a lot of sugary food. I have a lot of belly fat, stool changes, fatigue, indigestion a lot and bloating . ,belching. Dr. Said my bloodwork showed my liver reading was very high. We are trying to find out why. I think its all the sugar. Im addicted to daily chocolate. Never smoked , dont drink and havent used recreational drugs. I was just taken off the statin drug to see if that helps.
The answer is obvious. Sugar is your drug. Cut down on sugar and eat food suggested here plus exercise and workout regularly.
I wanted to reply as I am in the same boat as you exactly and wanted to know if you have had any replies? or any help you could pass on to me too
i do hope you are feeling better
Need to detox my liver n kidney
P some of the best information that I have received I believe that this information can no doubt benefit one’s liver as well as kidneys I appreciate if I can receive a copy or some information concerning the topic detoxification
Thanks so very very much I’m going to get right on it
This is a great information thank you so very much going to use it this summer again thank you
Gid day, Hello
Procedure how to drink turmeric pls, ? and i think pure ginger is also the best to drink good for kidney and liver.i hope someone to amswer my comment 🙂 Thanks
Thank you so much, very interesting and important. God bless
I put 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder in all veggies , soups, etc. that I cook. That small amount does not taste. I learned this from a lady from India.
She said it was very healthy and widely used in India.
Thanks for the good information.
Thank You
Thanks, I really appreciate it. I would like to know how to mix them.
Once my liver is completely healed can I ever go back to a normal living maybe having a few beers a day stuff like that not overdoing it but little here a little there.
Once it is cured why would you want to go back to a “normal living” one that eventually kill you. Be healthy, that is best “normal living.” If friends do not like you sober, they were never friends to begin with. Also no beer, more money pocket for travel not hospital! Best of luck!
I am a recovering alcoholic named Mark. I was diagnosed with stage3 cirrhosis of the liver over a year ago. I haven’t done anything out of the regular life I have always lived. I eat sugary foods on an hourly basis, due to it helping my recovery in alcoholism.
I have just over 8 months of sobriety. I didn’t take it seriously when the doctor told me that I was diagnosed with stage 3 cirrhosis of my liver.
My sleep habits are poor/out of whack, I dont properly exercise and I definitely do not eat properly.
I’m just now starting to read about my malady. Finding out what I can about this problem of mine.
I have read that life expectancy is anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. That leaves me about 10 more months in my figured!
I only pray to God that my demise will open others minds and let them learn not to wait until the last minute.
I pray!
Don’t give up. You can reverse it with diet and purpose. Search for Zach Skow and Marley’s Mutts to see what Zach did.
I will.put you on my prayer list.
My stomach is expansioning due to
Liver Gass Problem….
Please advise proper food items.
My stomach is expansioning due to
Liver Gass Problem….
Please advise proper food items.
I have one kidney and I have kidney deaseces what’s best forever eat can I eat Spanish amd sal.on
Thank you.
Having liver issues and pain…
Thank and I will try to eat as much fruits and vegetables. What kind of meat help .
I have no known problems with my liver but had Hepatitis B while in my twenties. I am now 71yrs old soon to be 72. I stopped drinking alcohol at 30yrs of age. I know longer drink coffee and will stop drinking soda pop soon. I have been very blessed and do not require a doctor’s care for my liver. I will begin to eat the foods your article recommends. Thank you.
I have fatty liver stage moderate to severe ,
Want to know what to do to get back to normal
am having liver cirrhosis problem
Encouraging & hopeful. Clean, healthy eating & cleansing the liver. Foods high in glutathione, Catechins, Omega-3’s, Antioxidants, Allicin & Selenium, and Glucosinolate Enzymes. Thank You
I want to if Artichokes are good for cleaning up fat in the liver???
Can onions help to detoxify and replenish the Liver and Kidnies?
Thank you
Do you have a book with more on fatty liver detox
I would like to to be honest of what I’m about to say that,” I use to be a functional I.V heroin addict for forty-five years” ashamed to say. I believe I damaged my liver and kidneys. I’ve done my homework! Yes, there are certain fruits and vegetables can clean your organs. There’s really no way I can express my gratitude and to be thankful for what I know to help myself with the problem of my liver and kidneys. It’s really cool how the technology is too our advantage we could use to help our selves with any health problems we have. Thanks for the info I ever need in the presence or the future, God bless………Ciao!
Thank you
Thank you so much , very useful information & definitely going to use this , I have pancreatitis & some times get real bad pains but I’m really trying to eat healthier & doing exercises & trying to lose weight but have a question as to why even when I eat healthy still feel like a void in my stomach & get real dizzy ? Thank you & God Bless
Is seafood good fo fatty liver liver?
Are some of the foods recommended better for your liver cooked or raw?
Thank you
Thanks for all the information very much very helpful
I took a liver cleansing pill for a couple of days and it reeked havoc on my face..I have been a heavy drinker for years and now want to change my lifestyle..Thanks for this list of foods to help me naturally cleanse my body☺️
Plant based diet
Need to detox liver
Thank you for all the wonderful information.
I am starting my journey with acupuncture and liver cleansing for a better life style.
My father was battling liver disease and I was at a loss to give him the support he needed. Until I found this natural remedy ( ) I never believed that there is so much of help available. I highly recommend this for understanding Liver Disorders and if you’re struggling to cope it will become your guide through the difficult times ahead.
Trying find healthy food detox the liver!
How Do You Cleanse Your Liver to Lose Weight |How to Release Trauma By Healing The Gut & The Thyroid
how you release your trauma by healing the Gut and the Thyroid, how to detoxify the liver using herbal, how to get the right nutrients in your body, how a poor diet affects your body, and more about healthy lifestyle see more…….
The information was interesting. I always follow what my body wants. Fruit or veggies.
More people should do this in the medical field as well.
Requesting to you to be sending me health to tips.
Very useful article,best food item to detox liver.
I need to know about liver cell regeneration.
Good morning ?
Thank you for sharing this information. I was diagnosed with fatty liver and I was struggling educating myself about what to do and eat. This article really answered all my questions. Thank you again for sharing.
Very good and informative.
this looks good for kids’ education – unless they are not told about junk food toxins and the allergies they enable to be.
Very good